UEFA EURO 2024 Qualifying Match - Ukraine vs. Malta

jun 23
Trnava, 2023
Performance was already played
UEFA EURO 2024 Qualifying Match - Ukraine vs. Malta
Štadión Antona Malatinského City Arena Trnava, Športová, Trnava

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UEFA EURO 2024 Qualifying Match - Ukraine vs. Malta

19.06.2023 18:00, Štadión Antona Malatinského City Arena Trnava, Športová, Trnava


Tickets for the Euro 2024 qualification match Ukraine - Malta, the first home match for Ukrainian national team of this year in hospitality Slovakia, in cozy city Trnava. 

Entrance to the stadium will be open two hours before the match, from 16:00.

We are waiting for every Ukrainian in the stands of Trnava "City Arena" and let's give the national team a truly homely atmosphere and support! Mood color of the match: blue-yellow! We believe in Ukraine!


  • Sectors 1-6, 11-17, 34, 42: 10 €
  • Sectors 7, 10, 18-23, 25-28, 35-36, 39-41: 20 €
  • Sector B7: 50 €
  • Sector B3 and B6: 75 €
jun 23
Trnava, 2023
Performance was already played
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